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The second “Modern Interiors in Turkey Symposium”, which will be held by the docomomo_tr Interior Design Committee on 13-14 June 2022, will be hosted by Yaşar University. Within the scope of the symposium, papers and posters will be presented in sessions which cover different disciplines such as Cinema, Printed Media; different building types such as Housing, Tourism, Health, Social, Cultural, Commercial, Industrial, Education; and discussions such as Interior Designers, Domesticity, Hygiene, and Adaptive re-use. Penny Sparke (Kingston University), Zsuzsanna Böröcz (KU Leuven, University of Antwerp) and Bárbara Coutinho (High Technical Institute of the University of Lisbon) will attend the event as invited speakers.

The event language of the invited speaker sessions is English. Presentations will have Turkish subtitles.

Detailed information about the symposium, which will be held online, and ZOOM links for the sessions can be found at

Please follow the youtube account of docomomo_tr Interior Design; watch all sessions of the symposium there!




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