Illustrated History of Modern Turkish Interiors [Çizgilerler Türkiye'de Modern iç Mekan] is a study that aims to document the adventure of the modern interior in the context of Turkey through institutions, structures, actors, representations and objects. Its historical scope extends from the opening of the Department of Interior Decorations at the Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi in the late Ottoman period until the establishment of TMMOB Chamber of Interior Architects in 1976. The short chapters by Hande Atmaca, Gülnur Ballice, Efsun Ekenyazıcı Güney, Deniz Hasırcı, Deniz Avcı Hosanlı, Ebru Karabağ, Hande Tulum Okur, Selim Sertel Öztürk, Gökçeçiçek Savaşir, Melis Örnekoğlu Selçuk, Umut Şumnu, Güliz Öktem Taşdemir and Zeynep Tuna Ultav are accompanied by Ahmet Aslan's drawings.
Edited by: UMUT ŞUMNU
Prepared for Publication by: NESLIHAN ŞIK
Graphic Design: ÖZLEM ÖLÇER
Execution: GÜL DÖNMEZ
Publisher: b. Book / Binat Architecture Media Group
Publication Date: September 2023, 1st Edition
Language Turkish
Number of Pages: 88
Size: 21x21cm
Cover: Cardboard
ISBN: 978-605-81332-7-3
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