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docomomo_tr Modern Interiors in Turkey Symposium 3 was held on 10-11 June 2024, hosted by TED University.


Modern interior offers a multidimensional and multidisciplinary problem area for a better understanding of the social, cultural, artistic, aesthetic and ideological aspects of the modern movement in Turkey. This area manifests itself sometimes within the physical boundaries of the interior space and sometimes beyond these boundaries in urban, regional and global contexts with modernist discourses and representations . Interior design is an important practice that enables experiencing and understanding modern spatiality, ideology and aesthetics. Therefore, the examination, discussion and dissemination of design elements and interior features, described as modern, play an important role in expanding and deepening these discourses and representations.


Appreciating, understanding and preserving the value of the modern interior can be achieved through in-depth research and comprehensive discussions. Discussing concepts such as modernity, privacy, efficiency, economy, comfort and beauty in daily life and consumption is important in this context. It is necessary to address multidisciplinary research and different research methods in order to reveal the experience of modernity in interior spaces and to encourage its preservation.

In Turkey, as in the rest of the world, there are many cases that show how the modern movement shaped public and private interior spaces and are waiting to be researched in depth. Undoubtedly, every current study in this field that sheds light on our recent history will enable us to further decode the modernist discourse and movement, enrich our cultural memory and pass it on to future generations. At the same time, interiors, together with their combination of artistic contributions, offer extraordinary resources for understanding the cultural situation of a period and the spirit of an age.


The Modern Interiors in Turkey Symposium, which was organized for the third time in June 2024 by the docomomo_tr Interiors Committee and hosted by the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at TED University, aimed to create an interdisciplinary sharing environment for current research on modern interiors in Turkey.

Organization Manager

Güliz Öktem Taşdemir, TED University, docomomo_tr Interiors Committee Member, Symposium Chair


Güliz Öktem Taşdemir, TED University

Nevzat Ruhi Eryılmaz, TED University


Book Designer

Özlem Ölçer


Visual Editor

Nevzat Ruhi Eryılmaz, TED University

Burak Goncagül




The responsibility of all articles in this book in terms of language, science and law belongs to the author.


The book was made available and shared digitally on October 24, 2024.

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